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The settings of labelCloud can be changed using the config file (config.ini) and for most options exists an entry in the graphical settings (accesible via the menu). The following parameters can be changed:

Parameter Description Default/ Example
pointcloud_folder Folder from which the point cloud files are loaded. pointclouds/
label_folder Folder where the label files will be saved. labels/
class_definitions Definition file for class names and colors as well as the default class and export format. labels/_classes.json
image_folder Folder from which related images can be loaded (OPTIONAL). pointclouds/
calib_folder Folder with calibration files (OPTIONAL, only required for KITTI format). calib/
segmentation_folder Folder where the segmentation labels are saved (OPTIONAL, only for semantic segmentation). labels/segmentation/
point_size Drawing size for points in point cloud (rasterized diameter). 4
colorless_color Point color for colorless point clouds (r,g,b). 0.9, 0.9, 0.9
colorless_colorize Colerize colorless point clouds by height value. True
std_translation Standard step for point cloud translation (with mouse move). 0.03
std_zoom Standard step for zooming (with mouse scroll). 0.0025
export_precision Number of decimal places for exporting the bounding box parameters. 8
std_boundingbox_length Default length of the bounding box (for picking mode). 0.75
std_boundingbox_width Default width of the bounding box (for picking mode). 0.55
std_boundingbox_height Default height of the bounding box (for picking mode). 0.15
std_translation Standard step for translating the bounding box (with key or button press). 0.03
std_rotation Standard step for rotating the bounding box (with key press). 0.5
std_scaling Standard step for scaling the bounding box (with button press). 0.03
min_boundingbox_dimension Minimum value for the length, width and height of a bounding box. 0.01
propagate_labels Copy all bounding boxes of the current point cloud to the next point cloud (only forward). False
z_rotation_only Only allow z-rotation of bounding box; deactivate to also label x- & y-rotation. True
show_floor Visualizes the floor (x-y-plane) as a grid. True
show_orientation Visualizes the object's orientation as an arrow. True
background_color Background color of the point cloud viewer (rgb). 100, 100, 100
viewing_precision Number of decimal places shown on the right side for the parameters of the active bounding box. 3
near_plane Min. distance of objects to be displayed by OpenGL 0.1
far_plane Max. distance of objects to be displayed by OpenGL 300
keep_perspective Save last perspective when leaving a point cloud False
show_2d_image Show button to visualize related images in a separate window False